- More efficient Inspection
- To-do-lists and check box form remove the need for pen and paper
- Automated collection of Inspection
- Reports and production of regulatory reports reduce admin efforts
- Legislation – LOLER & PUWER
- Compliance
On Site Services

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is established across the globe as the leading representative body for all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide.
We are the respected and authoritative representative body for our members who work in every aspect of the industry, from design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment.
Our Association has played a key role in this specialised field for over seventy years, from training and standards setting through to health and safety, the provision of technical and legal advice, and the development of examination and licensing systems.
We represent our members at the highest levels across a range of both public and private bodies, including various government departments, as well as nationally and internationally recognised professional and technical institutions.
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (L.O.L.E.R), together with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (P.U.W.E.R) came into force in 1998. These two new Legislations replaced the old 1961 Factories Act.
Under L.O.L.E.R your Lifting Equipment must be thoroughly examined at a period not exceeding 12 months or sooner – as stipulated in you Risk Assessment, depending on any hazard or frequency of use. Lifting accessories under the same legislation must be thorough examined within a period of 6 months.
As duty holders, it is the responsibility of the user of these products to ensure that record are kept complying to the Legislation.
In both instances, the Law states that these examinations must be conducted by a Competent Person. Our team of LEEA qualified engineers are out our customers disposal to conduct examinations and advise on general guidance on compliance with Legislation.
Conforming with L.O.L.E.R and ensuring your records are kept up to date means that there is no need to incur the extra costs of engaging your Insurance companies to conduct the task.
Before: Administration staff can check incoming inspection requests and can use CheckedOK to select clients and locations for engineers to inspect. Jobs are assigned to an engineer who downloads the details of the job requirements at each site to their hand-held computer or tablet.
- Instant Certificates for viewing.
- Individual Web Portal – unlimited users
- Re-sale items – competitively priced
- Tracking re-test dates
- Location management
- Scrapped
- The engineer sees a to-do list of equipment to inspect at a particular site.
- The identity number calls up the inspection tasks for that particular item
- Once equipment has been tested the engineer certifies the data to be correct and the system uploads the information wirelessly to the database.
- If a new asset is found on site then details can be added, correcting the database.
- If an asset is missing, the system knows.
- If a new asset is discovered, it can be added.
- If an item failed its last inspection, the engineer knows. If a client signature is needed this can be obtained there and then.
- Nothing Removed From site
- Fully Equipped Engineers Van
- Parts Used – Supplied New