Page 23 - Pro Mech Lifting Brochure 2020.cdr
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Full Member
The Li ing Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is established
across the globe as the leading representative body for all those
involved in the li ing industry worldwide.
They are the respected and authoritative representative body for
their members who work in every aspect of the industry, from design,
manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire,
maintenance and use of li ing equipment.
Their Association has played a key role in this specialised field for over seventy years,
from training and standards setting through to health and safety, the provision of
technical and legal advice, and the development of examination and licensing systems.
They represent their members at the highest levels across a range of both public and
private bodies, including various government departments, as well as nationally and
internationally recognised professional and technical institutions.
Contact Us
Fareham Depot Uckfield Depot
Unit 9, Spurlings Industrial Estate Unit 16, Brambleside
Spurlings Road Bellbrook Industrial Estate
Fareham Uckfield
HANTS East Sussex
PO17 6AB TN22 1QQ
Tel: 01329 828082 Tel: 01825 744052
Silver Member