Page 14 - Pro Mech Lifting Brochure 2020.cdr
P. 14

Grabs / Forks / Davits

        Brick Forks                                            Block Grabs
        Designed to li  brick packs                            Mechanical scissor grab for
        or pallets.                                            li ing brick/block packs.

        •   SWL 1500kg & 2000kg                                •  Operating range from
                                                                  500mm to 1080mm.

                                                               •  SWL 1500kg

        Davit System                                                                 The  system  is  available  with
                                                                                     d i   e r e n t   a t t a c h m e n t s
        The  system  is  available  with
        d i   e r e n t   a t t a c h m e n t s                                      including  the  Counterweight
        including  the  Counterweight                                                System and the barrel mount.
        System and the barrel mount.                                                 Applications  include  roofs,
        Applications  include  roofs,                                                mezzanines and bridges with
        mezzanines and bridges with                                                  the  davit  arm  clearing  most
        the  davit  arm  clearing  most                                              parapets. The front legs can be
        parapets. The front legs can be                                              adjusted for un-even ground.
        adjusted for un-even ground.
                                                                                     Counterweight  Base,  upper  &
        Counterweight  Base,  upper  &                                               lower  davit,  15m  fall  arrest
        lower  davit,  15m  fall  arrest                                             winch, 30m man riding winch,
        winch, 30m man riding winch,                                                 and 360kg of weights.
        and 360kg of weights.

                              Manhole Li er
                              The Manhole Li er is ideal for li ing and transporting manhole rings.

                              The mechanical operation of the Manhole Li er is capable of li ing the ring
                              securely, thus eliminating the requirement for manual slinging points.

         Manhole Ring         Max. Concrete         Manhole Ring         Manhole Ring            Weight of
          Min. Internal        Pipe Internal        Min. Internal        Max. Internal             Li er
        Diameter (mm) Diameter (mm)                  Depth (mm)           Depth (mm)                (kg)

                900                 1800                  250                  1800                  92

                          Need Some Help? Contact our depots for some expert advice


        Fareham: 01329 82 80 82                                            Uckfield: 01825 74 40 52
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