Page 9 - Pro Mech Lifting Brochure 2020.cdr
P. 9

Dee Shackles

         Working      Bow        Pin       Eye       Width     Width     Length     Length     Length    Weight
           Load       DIA        Dia       Dia        Eye      Inside     Inside                Bolt      Each

           Tons      A mm       B mm      C mm       D mm      E mm       F mm       G mm      H mm        KG
           0.33        5          6         12         5         9.5       19         33        29.5      0.02
            0.5        7          8        16.5        7         12        22        41.5        38       0.05
           0.75        9         10         20         9        13.5       26         50        46.5      0.09

            1         10         11        22.5       10         17        32         59         54       0.14
            1.5        11        13        26.5       11         19        37         68        59.5      0.19
            2         13.5       16         34        13         22        43         81         73       0.32

           3.25       16         19         40        16         27         51        97         89       0.54
           4.75       19         22         46        19         31        59        112        103       0.87
            6.5       22         25         52        22         36        73         13        119       1.34

            8.5       25         28         59        25         43        85        154        137       2.08
            9.5       28         32         66        28         47        90        167        153       2.77
            12        32         35         72        32         51        94        180        170       3.72
           13.5       35         38         80        35         57        115       209        186       5.44

            17        38         42         88        38         60        127       230        203       6.85
            25        45         50        103        45         74        149        271       243       11.45
            35        50         57        111        50         83        171       305        272       16.86

        Material:     Body and pin high tensile steel,
                      Grade 6, quenched and tempered

        Safety Factor:  MBL equals 6 x WLL

        Standard:     EN13889 and meets performance
                      requirements of US Fed Spec
                      RR-C-271, Type IVA Class 2, Grade A

        Finish:       Hot Dipped Galvanised

        Temp Range:   -20c up to 200c

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